Get Ready to Unveil
the Power of the Clifton Strengths Assessment in Your Business!

This course provides coaching for two people, and includes three 1-hour one-on-one Clifton Strengths Coaching calls, during which our certified Clifton Strengths coach will guide each team member towards harnessing their natural abilities for maximum success.

But that's not all – our program also includes two
90-minute team sessions, where you'll learn how to leverage each other's strengths and foster collaboration.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to build a stronger, more effective team.

Sign up now and unleash your team's true potential!

Need to add extra team members?
After completing the initial registration, watch your email for a link to register your other team members at a discounted rate!

Here's What You'll Receive

This group centered program provides coaching, tools and support to help you maximize the potential of your team!

  • Strengths Assessments

    Clifton Strengths34 assessments are included for all enrolled team members. The assessment is the basis for understanding each team member's strengths and establishing opportunities for maximizing their potential.

  • One on One Coaching Calls

    Three one-hour one-on-one coaching sessions are included. During these sessions, our certified coach will work individually with your team members to help them unpack and harness their newly discovered strengths.

  • Team Coaching Sessions

    Two 90-minute group coaching sessions with your team are included. These sessions provide an opportunity for each team member to discover, understand and leverage the strengths of each member of the group.

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to Green Profit Academy's Clifton Strengths Company Group Coaching!

    • A Welcome - From Your Coach

    • Equipment, Software, and Best Practices - 1 Minute

    • How to use this platform - 1 Minute

  2. 2
    • Coaching Calls - What's Reviewed

    • Taking your CliftonStrengths Assessment - 45 Minutes

    • Watch the Videos for Your Top 5 Strengths - 45 Minutes

  3. 3
    • Session One – Name it: Understanding Your Strengths Profile

    • First Impression Discussion Guide - Submission

    • Working with the Four Domains - Submission

  4. 4
    • Session Two - Claim it: Gain Awareness and Appreciation

    • Strengths Appreciation Form - Submission

    • Strengths Talent Map - Submission

  5. 5
    • Session Three – Aim it: Investing in Talent Development

    • Individual Development Plan - Submission

  6. 6
    • Group Session Outline

    • Group Session One - The Power of Strengths-Based Partnerships

    • Your Partnerships for The Power of Strengths-Based Partnerships Form - Submission

    • My Signature Themes for the Power of Strengths-Based Partnerships - Submission

    • Love - Frustrate - Appreciate - Submission

  7. 7
    • Group Session Two – Team Grid and The Best of Us

    • Team Grid - Submission

    • At Your Best - Submission

    • The Best of Us - Submission


Steve Bousquet

Steve Bousquet, founder of American Landscape and Lawn Science and co-founder of the Green Profit Academy (GPA), calls himself a “blue-collar executive.” He is a certified nurseryman, Gallup Internationally Certified Clifton Strengths Coach, Certified Engagement Champion, and Disney landscape designer. To save his business from going under in 2001, he devoted himself to financial business management, team building, people development, and strategic growth. He has consulted with dozens of lawn care and landscape companies, helping them identify target markets and plan growth strategies and explaining how to avoid making the same mistakes that he made.